Inclusive Excellence Curriculum Resources

Resources collected by the CHBS IE Curriculum Task Force

Achieving inclusive excellence at JMU necessitates a multi-prong approach.  It not only requires that we be introspective in reflecting upon our own biases and stereotypes and develop an understanding of diversity in its many forms, but also that we take action to dismantle practices that devalue, marginalize, and disenfranchise others.  While there are many ways we can achieve these aims, core to our educational mission is the curriculum developed and delivered to students.  With this in mind, this month’s Diversity Toolbox provides resources for faculty members to create a more inclusive and decolonized curriculum as well as engage in culturally responsive teaching practices.  Many of these resources begin with reflection and encourage the reader to explore and build their cultural competence and humility and then invite the reader to consider:

  • how curriculum can be revised and reimagined to be more inclusive and confront hegemonic practices,
  • how best practices in teaching can be fine-tuned to be more culturally responsive, and
  • how other teaching practices can be implemented to address the needs of the diversity within the classroom. 

While these resources may appeal mostly to faculty, staff will find many resources helpful in promoting inclusive excellence in their work environments whether it be with students or other JMU employees (those marked with an asterisk are recommended for staff). 

Creating Inclusive Classrooms

These Resources Provide a Brief Overview:

Richardson, C. R., & le Blanc, S. (2016). Diversity and equity in learning. University of Delaware Center for Teaching and Assessment of Learning. 

Gamrat, C. (2020, February 6).  Inclusive teaching and course design. Educause Review. 

Association of College and University Educators (nd).  10 inclusive teaching practices.  

Broscheid, A. (2020, Summer).  Special summer teaching toolbox:  Inclusive teaching

These Resources Provide a Deeper Exploration of the Topic:

Plymouth State University’s Online Learning & Teaching Collaborative (nd). ACE Framework

* Colorado Department of Higher Education. Inclusive teaching and learning.

Culturally Responsive Teaching

This Resource Provides a Brief Overview:

Richardson, C. R. (nd). Culturally responsive teaching. University of Delaware Center for Teaching and Assessment of Learning. 

These Resources Provide a Deeper Exploration of the Topic:

Eberly Center (nd). How to center DEI in teaching.

Gay, G. (2018). Culturally responsive teaching: Theory, research, and practice (3rd ed.). Teachers College Press.

Larke, P. (2013). Culturally responsive teaching in higher education: What professors need to know. Counterpoints volume 391, Integrating multiculturalism into the curriculum from the liberal arts to the sciences, 38-50.

Chávez, A. F., & Longerbeam, S. D. (2016). Teaching across cultural strengths: A guide to balancing integrated and individuated cultural frameworks in college teaching

* Ross, K. (2016). Breakthrough strategies: Classroom-based practices to support New Majority college students. Harvard Education Press.

Hutchison, L. & McAlister-Shields, L. (2020).  Culturally responsive teaching: Its application in higher education environments Education Sciences, 10(5).

Talking about Race in the Classroom

These Resource Provide a Brief Overview:

* Sue, D. W. (nd). Facilitating difficult race discussions: Five ineffective strategies and five successful strategies.  Based on his book: Race talk and the conspiracy of silence: Understanding and facilitating difficult dialogues on race. Wiley.

Anti-Defamation League (nd). How should I talk about race in my mostly white classroom?

These Resources Provide a Deeper Exploration of the Topic:

* Oluo, I. (2018).  So you want to talk about race.  Seal Press.

Thurber, A., Harbin, M. B., & Bandy, J. (2019). Teaching race: Pedagogy and practice. Vanderbilt University Center for Teaching.

* National Museum of African American History & Culture (nd). Talking about race.

Reflecting upon Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in a Course or Curriculum

Advance, H. E. (2010). Embedding equality and diversity in the curriculum: Self-evaluation framework.

Moore, C. S., Brantmeier, E., & Broscheid, A. (2017, September 17). Inclusion by design: Tool helps faculty examine their teaching practices Faculty Focus: Higher Ed Teaching Strategies from Magna Publications.

Keele University (nd). Keele decolonizing the curriculum network

Wilson, C. (nd). Revolutionizing my syllabus:  The process.

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